Activities overviewActivities overview Book nowBook now

Further information

  • Bookable daily
  • Bicycle type:  E-Bikes from (Kaloveo), Trek, Flyer, Scott, (Intersport) Genesis, KTM, NS Bikes, Corratec, Akkus with 650-watt
Book now   by phone: 0043 6457 2090


Duration E-Bike Fully 650 W Bicycle helmet Protectors *
half a day € 40,00 € 5,00 € 5,00
1 day € 59,00 € 5,00 € 5,00
2 days € 118,00 € 10,00 € 10,00
3 days € 167,00 € 15,00 € 15,00
4 days € 207,00 € 20,00  € 20,00 
5 days  € 247,00  € 25,00  € 25,00 
6 & 7 days € 287,00  € 30,00  € 30,00 
half a day
E-Bike Fully 650 W€ 40,00
Bicycle helmet€ 5,00
Protectors *€ 5,00
1 day
E-Bike Fully 650 W€ 59,00
Bicycle helmet€ 5,00
Protectors *€ 5,00
2 days
E-Bike Fully 650 W€ 118,00
Bicycle helmet€ 10,00
Protectors *€ 10,00
3 days
E-Bike Fully 650 W€ 167,00
Bicycle helmet€ 15,00
Protectors *€ 15,00
4 days
E-Bike Fully 650 W€ 207,00
Bicycle helmet€ 20,00 
Protectors *€ 20,00 
5 days 
E-Bike Fully 650 W€ 247,00 
Bicycle helmet€ 25,00 
Protectors *€ 25,00 
6 & 7 days
E-Bike Fully 650 W€ 287,00 
Bicycle helmet€ 30,00 
Protectors *€ 30,00 
*all prices include 20% VAT
Prices for protectors apply per elbow or knee set or per back protector.

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